Aries Moon

My heart is light today. I got my test back from last week and I didn't fail it. Not only that, I got the highest test score of the class. This isn't to say I did well because I didn't. If our professor hadn't mentioned that he'd have to curve it because everyone did so abysmally I would definitely be looking at a C on it. As it stands, though, I'll get an A, and that will bring my overall class grade up to ... drumroll, please ... 89. One eensy point shy of an A in a class I've failed twice before. All that's left are four classes and a final. Please forgive my dwelling on grades. I'm nigh unto swooning at the thought of passing this godforsaken class.

I need to register for Spring now. Upon perusing the catalog I discovered that every single class I wanted to take was offered on Thursday night. That's five classes, all scheduled for the same damn night of the week. I knew I'd be taking Oceanography but I couldn't find a Psychology, Anthropology, Geology, Philosophy, or any other -ology that I needed. I'm trying to knock off two courses a semester, and they have to be general education requirements. I think it's much easier to study disciplines that don't cross over so I was hoping for a science and either religious studies or social studies. Too bad for me. I finally found a lone Biology class offered on Tuesdays. Thus, next semester I will be taking both of my science classes in one fell swoop.

It can't be as bad as math, though. Frankly, nothing could. And if I can come this close to an A in Algebra then I believe I can do almost anything that I set my mind to academically.

Past Life The Index Next Incarnation

Border graphic by Jade Leaves Designs in memory of Ginkgo