Aries Moon

It had to happen sometime: the funky and popular Webring has been sold to commercial interests. For the full story, see Webweek. I'm not too surprised by the news. For what it's worth, the Webring hasn't notified any of the users. Presumably, come January, we'll simply find a notice to add some javascript for commercial banners or face losing our ring. I don't know about anyone else who runs a webring but I'm pretty sure things won't change radically. It'll be more like GeoCities but less than Looplink. Labors of love are notoriously underpaid so I can't blame Sage Weil for deciding to sell. I just hope the new owners remain as open and accepting as they say they will about what type of sites can use Webring. Somehow, I don't feel sanguine in this regard.

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