Aries Moon

Help me, I have Chachi hair. My carefully feathered short cut is growing out now, and it's beginning to look incredibly 70's. Specifically, it's beginning to look 70's sitcom star. Remember Scott Baio, Vince Van Patton, Shaun Cassidy? That kind of hair. This is not something I want to wake up to, believe me. Actually, this morning it reminded me more of Jane Fonda in Klute, but it's not really long enough to pretend that's what I meant to do with it. No, I'm doomed until this sucker grows out on the top layers and I can get a very short, blunt bob.

The reason I care, other than pure aesthetics, is I'm going to be job hunting pretty soon. I've had two phone interviews for jobs. One was with a small agency and one was with AAA. AAA offered me a job here, but I turned them down for the job at Horizon which I'm so reluctantly leaving. So it seemed worth checking into when they phoned on Monday. However, I'm not pleased about the way the interview went. The head of personnel was going over my resume and stopped when she got to this year.

"You worked until 12/96 and then not again until 7/97. What were you doing during that period?" she asked.

"I took time off," I replied.

"But what were you doing?" she persisted.

"," I said clearly and slowly, feeling a bit miffed.

"You weren't working?" she said. I heard a tone of accusation.

"No. I wasn't working. On purpose. I took time off from work." By now I was pissed off. She backed off the question but not before advising me I ought to revise my resume to account for that period of time.

I got off the phone and fumed. My sarcasm level was at alarming levels. I was really glad I hadn't been doing a face to face interview. Honestly, what kind of sad little life do you have if you need to know what someone with a solid work background and excellent references was doing for the seven months they voluntarily didn't work? I'm not going to work for a company that's that anal. They'll expect me to account for every minute I spend in potentially unproductive activities, like chatting with the clients or going to the restroom. Forget it. The high salary is not worth it and you'll never be able to prove to anyone in authority that life isn't a timesheet.

Besides, the nice lady at Travel Matters wrote me a note thanking me for our phone interview. I appreciate good manners and I really appreciate being pursued. I'll just have to hope they think I cut my hair this way on purpose.

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