Down the road from where I work is a Polish deli. I go over there all the time to get sodas or sandwiches, and I like to read the Polish magazines while I wait. Well, read isn't the right word. I look at the pictures. Polish is incomprehensible to me as I have no background in Slavic languages either written or spoken. The owner of the deli is really nice and always says hello, but the short red-haired employee, Renata, rarely says anything to me. She always looks overworked and cranky. Everyone who works there is Polish so there's the occasional language difficulty. I used to think Renata didn't like me.
It turns out she's just shy about her English which is actually rather good. Lately she's been asking for help with American slang. Last week she said, "Tell me please, what is this honky donkey? Americans say everything is honky donkey." I roared with laughter when I heard that. I am going to start using that instead of hunky dory. Especially since I don't know what hunky dory means. American slang baffles Americans, too.
Have a honky donkey day.