Archipelago is up and running, yay! My new modem is up and running, double yay! And my dog is home from the hospital with a very painful and unsightly scar, eek! The poor dear is still doped up, which is probably a blessing, because they had to go much deeper and wider than they thought. The pathology report isn't in, but it seems to have been a blood vessel gone horribly wrong. Now, our chief concern is to keep both Dixie and the cats from grooming it while it heals. This will not be a simple matter. I'm reading a collection of Sherlock Holmes stories, interspersed with a book on Adobe Photoshop 4.0, Elizabeth Moon's Remnant Population, and Juliet Barker's doorstop of a biography on the Brontes. I just thought you'd like to know. I haven't bought any new music, since I rarely hear anything I like on the radio around here. I'm reading the Newmusic Conference on the WELL, though, and trying to keep up with the latest reviews. I'm beginning to feel a tad on the geezer side, though, because I don't recognise any of the new bands! This is the heart of country music, so I'm totally up on the country music scene, but I have zero idea of what dance and pop and r&b are up to these days. Another update on the Great Job Search: new possibilities include Hawaii, MIT, Columbia University, and (deep breath) Nashville. Yes, Nashville. Wouldn't that be ironic? I think I'll go lie down for a while.