Remember that obnoxious girl in my Algebra class who asked week after week if we could go home early? Guess where she turned up? Right. She is now sitting next to me in Biology, and she is driving me crazy. Tonight she wanted to get photocopies of my textbook so she wouldn't have to buy it, she wanted to copy my notes, and she kept whispering disparaging things about our professor to me while I was trying to listen to the lecture. I told her to shut up twice, refused to let her copy all my notes, and said I'd be willing to photocopy the questions at the ends of the chapters if she thought that would help but I wasn't going to loan her my book (I am sympathetic to wanting to save the $80 but I'm not that sympathetic). After that she settled down and I had some peace and quiet. We did an overview of organic chemistry and I found it totally fascinating. I took notes the whole night, and now I'm all revved up about the cool stuff I learned. I may have to go on a diet, though. I really do not fit in certain positions in the horrid little desks they have. The only way to sit that doesn't dig into my stomach or my legs is to slump back in my chair. And that gets annoying inside of five minutes so that I'm constantly shifting and wiggling throughout class.
Clearly, these chairs were designed for 20 year olds. Skinny 20 year olds with bad posture. I'd better start losing weight or my college career is going to be mighty uncomfortable.