Aries Moon

Did you see Sei is writing again? I've missed her lots, I hope she has the time and energy to write more often now. A hiatus is a good thing for the diarist, but it's hard on the readers who have become addicted to the privilege of sharing that diarist's thoughts. Sometimes I write to diarists and beg them to institute a notify list, Steve Amaya, because I can't stand the sad, unsparkly sight of an index page with no new content when the writer is taking a hiatus for any reason. I used to be dismissive of notify lists, but now I rely on them to keep me from getting depressed.

Which reminds me, Kristin Berg in Norway and Wendy Thomas in the midwest: your email addresses on my notify list had permanent, fatal errors so I've removed you from it. Please sign up again with your new information. If you still want to be notified, that is.

Past Life The Index Next Incarnation

Border graphic by Jade Leaves Designs in memory of Ginkgo