Another "fall asleep at eight, wake up groggy at midnight just in time to walk the dog, and feel too awake to go back to sleep" evening. I'm telling you, I'm on a different planetary cycle than the rest of you earthlings.
Tuesday is my normal night off from the diary, but I thought I'd do a brief, and doubtless erratic, update as I'll be up in the City having dinner with Terry Baker and partner tomorrow night. Our date is at the Flying Saucer, which sounds promising, don't you think? I hope it's like the Red Planet Diner in Sedona. The diner had a fabulous flying saucer with flying aliens hung from the ceiling, individual jukeboxes at each booth with little alien dioramas instead of record selections, masks and plaster busts of famous space guys like Flash Gordon and Captain Kirk, photos from space shellacked onto the tables, and other wacky space-abilia. The food was extremely good, too, so I highly recommend it if you find yourself feeling Area 51-ish. If you spend any time at all in Sedona, you will.
I would just like to mention Steve Amaya's excellent diary Evaporation, in case you haven't checked my Essential Diaries pages lately.
My current favorite band, Superjesus, just won an Australia music award (ARIA) for their album Sumo. I wish they'd play the Bay Area once in a while; I think they opened a three-band show a while back, but it was in San Francisco, and I wasn't sure it was really them, and I couldn't get there in time to see them (darn having to work until 5:30! The Man is oppressing me!). Their music reminds me of really good 80's college pop mixed with grunge but with clean aesthetics. If that makes any sense whatsoever.
I haven't scanned any photos this week. Sorry. I'm too busy relishing the pleasures of gerbilating my various boxes of goodies and planning what to order from the multitude of catalogs I'm receiving. I never do order anything; I just like to plan on how to spend money I haven't got. Like window shopping, it can be satisfying and pleasurable without the need to actually make a purchase.
Why yes, I really have seen only two movies this year. One in January, and one in May. I'm not very interested in moving images, I guess. I like print, photography, and paintings. I don't want my eyes to wobble around while I'm absorbing the artist's message, or something like that. Really, I haven't any idea why my tastes have changed so much over the years. I used to love the movies, and tv, honest. Now I like quiet, peaceful mediums.
I still like loud rock'n'roll, though. I'm not dead yet.