Aries Moon

Okay, so self-righteousness and graceless sour grapes aren't very pretty, but I'm still chafed about having to do so many GE requirements. However, I'm now utterly grateful to be doing them at a mere $11 a unit at Local Community College so I take it back about only losers going there. Why should I deny people who want an education they can afford the status of winners? Nonetheless, I stick by my statement that SFSU can't compete with MTSU or UW. This is because I'm comparing the English Literature degree requirements. If you got your English Lit. degree from SFSU then cool. I hope to myself someday, which is why I'm putting myself through the annoyance of taking extra GE requirements. I understand I have to jump through these particular hoops. But the degree requirements are not as rigorous as the other schools even if the teachers are great. In fact, I didn't actually believe I'd read the catalog right when I was searching through the one Sei brought me. She described it as "buffet style education" and I think she nailed it.

Oh, well, if it was all that easy I wouldn't be having this much trouble and I wouldn't want it half so badly. Besides, I don't actually object in principle to being made to take x amount of history, biology, and math in order to get a degree. I just wish I didn't have start at the beginning. I'm sure I'll find myself enjoying all sorts of classes I'd never have guessed would be fun. If I'm lucky I can find a Horticulture class to pass for a Biological Sciences req. Gardening for credit would rock.

So last night I didn't just sit home wallowing in self-pity, you know. No, indeed, I took a picture in to be framed. The local Corners was open 'til 8:30pm which I found very civilized. I was the only customer, so I had the shop manager to myself. I told him what I wanted, and we doodled around with dark and light, red tones and blue tones, pale this and saturated that. I had a wonderful time choosing just the right shades to pick up the colors I wanted in the painting. The manager was really impressed, though to be honest I think he was also really tired. He said, "Wow, you're good at this. Do you want a job?"

I laughed and thanked him, but he was serious. "Here's an application," he said and thrust one at me. "You've got a great eye. We are desperate for framers. You don't need training, we'll train you. We want people who have artistic abilities, and plenty of taste."

"Gosh," I said, "thanks. And how much do you pay?"

He looked embarrassed. "$10 an hour, but the benefits are good, and you're sure to go far. Why, you already know how to use a computer and everything."

Oh, boy, a job in retail where I'd be on my feet all day at half my current pay. No thanks. But it was sweet of him, and I came away feeling better about myself. Then I came home and exchanged some thoughtful emails with Beth who kindly didn't tell me to get over myself but offered level-headed advice. Thank god for Sei, too, who has been my number one cheerleader all along. She won't let me lapse into self-pity for too long but kicks my butt when I need it. I decided I would not take up a life of framing and I would, in fact, apply to Local Community College in the morning.

And I'm going to buy a car next month. If I'm going to school at night I need my own wheels, man.

Forum: We're having a lively discussion on university degrees.

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