
My head is going to explode. I just discovered the Ladies of the Heart bulletin board thanks to Meghan whom I will now haunt for eternity, and possibly afterwards. I mean, yes, I knew there was this loose confederation of ickle pritty women who want to keep negativity off the Internet, and actively campaign against sites they disapprove of. I knew they had been incredibly vicious to several online journalists. I think they are astoundingly misguided but that's okay. There's room for everyone on the net, even wackadoodles who want to control the content. They're in no danger of getting anywhere.

But people who say, "You are going through so much, and no amount of new carpet and paint can take that pain away," to a woman who has just discovered she has cancer are people I want to stay far, far away from. And that's why I'm not going to link to them directly.

You'll be relieved to know I am not going to get fired. I was relieved to hear it myself, especially since it hadn't occured to me. Today, my boss spontaneously expressed her approval of me as an employee while I was finishing up a reservation after work. I was charmed, actually. You may not recall but the agency recently lost a huge account, and I momentarily toyed with the possibility that someone might be let go. It depressed me so much I promptly forgot about it. Luckily, I don't have to worry. She indicated she would not adhere to the "last hired, first fired" school of thought, and we came to a mutual understanding of my value to the company. I'm guessing this counts as a three month review. Cool.

Simon Firth, author of the recent article in Salon, wrote to say he was alarmed to discover I am doddering into middle age rather than fresh out of college. All right, that's not exactly what he said but he was genuinely surprised to find out I'm 40 years old. Apparently, my photos make me look very young to some people. It's that Dorian Gray filter in Photoshop...

The reading population of this diary has jumped considerably, thanks in part to the article but mostly due to my sudden spate of updating every day. Welcome, mammals.

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