Work was horrible in so many ways that words could describe it but it would depress you immeasurably. I will spare you. I will talk about something meaningful and life-affirming.
Today I bought an acre of rainforest.
I don't really own it, of course. I "adopted" it by making a donation to the Nature Conservancy specifically to buy an acre of rainforest in Brazil. I'm horrified by the rapidity with which the Brazilians have cleared the rainforest to create cattle ranches to sell meat to American food conglomerates so we can buy our burgers for a few cents less than if the conglomerates bought cattle raised by more affluent communities. Considering the long term value of the South American rainforests, it's devastatingly short sighted to destroy them for the sake of short term profit. So I struck a blow for posterity and bought some land.
Actually, it's not for me, it's a wedding present for Amanda and her new husband Jeff. Well, okay, they're already married, but they plan on renewing their vows here in the States, and I was invited, and I can't go, but I'm not bitter about that, of course, not me, I'm just a little surprised they're having it on a FRIDAY for godssake when NORMAL people have to WORK mutter mutter mutter...
Anyway, since I can't be there and I didn't really know what to get the blushing bride and her blushing groom, I got them some rainforest. It's a gift that keeps on giving in all the best possible ways. And it's extremely easy to wrap. I almost adopted a buffalo for them because buffalo are so American and I wanted to really welcome Amanda to the United States of America, but I thought they might think that was kind of weird. "Here's your wedding present. I gave you a buffalo." No, no. Also, I couldn't decide between Thunderpoop and Grassfire or whatever the names were. The rainforest was simpler.
Congratulations, Amanda and Jeff.