Not content with chopping off my own hair, I determined to give Dixie-dog her summer cut myself. I directed John to hold onto her, balefully threatened the cats to stay out of the way, and set to. Somehow, it didn't work exactly like the video.
Especially the first video we brought home. The one in the Pet Grooming Kit turned out to be about how to cut people hair. I have to say I wasn't awfully impressed with the results, and promised John I wouldn't test drive the clipper on him. We eventually got the right video, watched the short feature on how to groom our Poodle/Cocker Spaniel/Schnauzer/Mixed Breed, and cornered our own Mixed Breed.
Dixie was pretty calm about it, having been clipped for the summer every year since we got her. What I didn't know was how danged much hair she had! She looks relatively short haired but it was like shearing a sheep, I swear. I clipped, and shaved, and combed, and cleaned out the clipper every few minutes. Sweat flew, the air was filled with an ominous buzz, and the cats romped in the piles of golden fur, scattering it helpfully through the living room. Two hours later she looked pretty decent, if not beautiful, and there was enough fur on the floor to make at least four small dogs out of. The important part is that Dixie is now comfortable for the hot summer months and we saved a lot of money by clipping her ourselves. I've got to make an appointment for John, though. He's looking pretty shaggy compared to the rest of the household.