Aries Moon

Mazel tov to Dana Siegel and Eric Rowe on the birth of Nathaniel Chai Zardoz Rowe. Isn't that a cool name? They're the first people who ever took my advice and gave their children interesting names.

Speaking of cool names, Sparkle Hayter has entered into a mutual admiration society with me; check out her fun pages and read her rants. Buy her books, too. How can you resist a mystery novel called "Revenge of the Cootie Girls?" I know I can't.

Reading her novels got me interested in reading other mysteries. I hadn't realized they could be so much fun. I'm absolute crap at figuring out who did what to whom where and with which blunt instrument, and I'm way too squeamish to enjoy details about killings, but I've recently discovered humorous and/or period mysteries aren't nearly as fixated on the icky bits. I'm now scanning the mystery bookshelves much more closely and finding there are quite a few in my favored subcategory. I'm looking forward to reading about ancient Roman private eyes and medieval nun detectives. And Sparkle's next Robin Hudson mytery.

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