Aries Moon

Today is the second anniversary of Aries Moon. I'd like to thank Nigel Richardson for inspiring me to start it ("Do an online diary or I'll tell everyone about the maple syrup and kapoc incident," I believe are his exact words). I'd like to thank my faithful correspondents Kim Huett, Richard Brandt, Janet Burrola (Janet, where are you? Not at Excite anymore, apparently), Lady Radixa, Weird Aunt Kate, Dana Siegel, and Bob Webber, plus the numerous readers who sent an email of encouragement here and there without embarking on a serious correspondence. I'm grateful to Ceej Silverio and Gabby Hon who offered technical assistance, handy hints, and virtual storage space. I have met many fine online journalists, either in person or through their diaries, because I was doing one of my own and then started a web ring called Archipelago. I continue to find my life enriched through reading and corresponding with them.

Since it's Sunday, January 3, I'm finally taking down my Christmas tree and decorations. I feel a little sad. I hate for the shiny holiday time to be over. This one wasn't one of my all-time favorite trees, although it ended up in a delightful classical jumble of color and lights. It could have used more individual ornaments and less glass balls. I bought a couple of new ornaments including a wonderful Czech Republic Santa, and Kymm Zuckert gave me a gorgeous blue and gold sun from Indonesia. It made me decide I'm going to go back to buying ornaments whenever I travel. Next year I think I'm going to go for a Victorian style with lots of handmade ornaments, tinsel, and a strict scheme of purple, gold, and pink with some plaid if I can find it in those colors. John is dubious about this.

I've successfully fought off an incipient cold with my garlic and cayenne pills. Man, they burp up nasty but they do seem to strengthen my immune system. They work at least as well as Vitamin C, and I didn't know what to expect when I first started taking them, so I'm convinced they aren't just placebos. If only they weren't so huge! Why is it health food store pills are always these gigantic compressed pellets the size of Great Danes? I sometimes think I avoid getting sick so I won't have to take the pills, which is good. I'm all for using herbs and vitamins to correct imbalances rather than running to the doctors. I'm going to start taking melatonin to help me sleep more deeply. Lately, I've had trouble staying asleep through the night. It's not precisely insomnia because I always go back to sleep, but I have long, troublesome dreams and I never feel completely rested. My imagination is a fearfully inventive thing. I wish it would leave me alone.

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