Our household is a happy one. The Green Bay Packers are going to the Superbowl. I personally don't care, since I'm not a football fan, but I want to state I think the Packers won because my husband wore his Official Green Bay Packers underwear (plus other assorted clothes) while watching the game. I'm pretty sure if enough guys wear Packers undies the team can't lose.
While he was in his Snack Den rooting for the team, we non-football types were out here in the main part of the house. I spent a few hours online and the pets went about their usual business of eating, sleeping, getting fur on the keyboard, and investigating likely looking boxes. They were all three outside for a while, but it began raining and the sissies came back in. The cats don't mind the rain so much as they mind getting their feet wet. Dixie likes getting her feet wet but objects to sitting on a wet dog bed when she could be laying on the dry carpet inside. So we all hung out in the living room and followed the progress of the game by the shouts and grunts from John's room.
I spent most of this weekend catching up on my slack. Somehow the time slipped away without me really accomplishing much. I took a meeting with my subcontractor regarding web design, but we mostly talked about his new girlfriend and why American women find English men so irresistable (it's the accent). I helped a few new people at ElderMOO sort out commands and homes and so on, but mainly we gossiped about what's going on on rec.arts.science.fiction.fandom, including the ever-interesting question of why someone can be such a major fuck-up in real life yet be so charming online. I fixed broken links on 30 more pages of my diary. I cooked a pork, mushroom, and green bean curry. John and I went shopping at Barnes & Noble where I bought mysteries and science fiction. It rained a lot. I enjoyed it.
Oh, and I had the absolute strangest dream of my life last night. I am not exaggerating. This dream, you see, was entirely in text. No graphics, no movement, no images. Sound, yes, but no color. I could barely understand what was going on. I woke up struggling to understand what my brain had been showing me.
HTML is eating my brain. I think I need special underwear to deal with this.